Creating more connected couple relationships

Specialist couples counselling online to help you have a more fulfilling relationship.

Space to talk. Space to listen. Space to connect.

  • Non-judgemental support to help you create the relationship you want.

  • Get to know yourself and your partner more deeply so you can develop a more meaningful relationship.

  • Recieve support to address problems that are getting in the way of your relationship.

Online therapy from the comfort of your couch

Counselling no longer needs to be confined to a therapy room across town. With The Couple Consultancy, you can access specialist relationship support from the comfort of your own home.

Many people have already benefitted from online therapy with us when it may have otherwise not been possible to get the help they need. 

You don’t have to feel isolated with your problems. Get in touch and let’s see what we can do for you.

Online course to help resolve arguments

If you don’t feel ready to talk to a therapist, help is still available. Unresolved arguments are a common problem for couples, so why not take our online course to learn ways to help resolve them.

What are the benefits of online relationship
therapy with The Couple Consultancy?

For Couples

Have an open, honest and frank conversation about your current relationship to decide how you want to move forward. 

Have the opportunity to talk about issues that you may find embarrassing or difficult to discuss with family or friends. 

Address problems you may not have realised have been holding you back in relationships.

For Individuals

Understand your triggers and boundaries so you’re able to develop healthier, happier intimate relationships that support the life you want to lead. 

Get to know yourself in a deeper way so you can develop more meaningful relationships.

Gift yourself the time and space to think about your personal wants and needs in life.

If not now, when?

There are a lot of reasons why people decide to seek our help with their relationship and many more reasons why they don't. Don't let these hang-ups stop you from creating the relationship you want.

  • Yes. We specialise in working with both couples and individuals to offer support on matters that you may be finding difficult either in your current relationship, or with relationships in general.

    Some of the matters you can talk to us about include, but are not limited to: arguments and conflict, trust concerns, communication difficulties, affairs, divorce and separation, considering and settling into married life, considering and settling into parenting, money and finance difficulties, dealing with wider family relationships, difficulties with your sexual relationship. 

    We encourage you to contact us to discuss your particular concern. If we feel we are not best placed to assist you, then we may be able to make recommendations on where else you may be able to seek help.

  • Online counselling gives you access to the same expertise as a face-to-face service, except instead of meeting in person, sessions will be conducted via webcam.

    We want to ensure that specialist support is for your relationship is available to you, no matter where you are based. Location shouldn’t get in the way of you receiving the help you need. 

    It can often be useful if someone works away often and can only maintain regular appointments by joining online, if regular childcare is difficult to arrange, if a disability makes travel difficult, if you and your partner live apart or you’re in a different country, or online therapy may simply be your preferred choice.

  • Many people find online therapy extremely beneficial. This may be for various reasons; you may find it easier to open up in a surrounding that is more familiar to you, such as your own home.

    There is also something called the disinhibition effect, where people feel more comfortable opening up and discussing problems when they’re online. It may also make it easier for you to commit to regular sessions which wouldn’t otherwise be possible.

  • In your initial consultation we will talk about what has prompted you to get in touch with us. From here, we will be able to discuss how we are best able to support your needs. If we think there are other services that may be more beneficial to you, we will let you know and we may have suggestions for who else you may wish to speak to.

Complete our enquiry form to be contacted by a therapist. We will endeavour to be in touch within 48 hours of receiving your enquiry

Send us a message

Let’s chat

We will organise a time for you to have a brief conversation with a therapist to get a sense of what’s going on for you at the moment. 

Get support

If we agree you would benefit from ongoing therapy, we will work together to address the issues preventing you from having lasting relationships.