
Preparing for Kids

For many couples, having kids will be one of the most significant moments of your relationship.  

If they’re planned or not, the changes that occur can test the most solid of relationships. How you make decisions as a parent, can often be linked to a number of external factors and also your own upbringing. 

“Will our parenting tasks be evenly split between us?”, “How will we approach paternal leave?”. What’s most important to both of you about how you raise your child? Does your partner agree with you on these things? All important considerations.  

Your couple relationship may also change with the introduction of children. You’re no longer just partners, you’re now also parents. The introduction of someone else into your relationship can feel unsettling, even if that person is your own child. 

Coping as a couple with kids can be a transition that catches you unawares.

Being able to talk to someone who can help you make sense of this time can often be useful for new parents, as well as those planning a family or going through IVF. 


If you've got this far, don't turn away now. Get in touch now to see how we can help with your relationship.